About Us
Percipio Industries, LLC

About Us
Since 2008, Percipio Industries, LLC, dba PI LLC has distributed a complete line of materials and goods for wired communications networks. As a turn-key broadband network materials supplier for wired outside and inside plant materials, PI has distributed fiber optic cable, CAT cable, conduit, micro-duct, connectors, handholes, pedestals, aerial hardware, splice closures, premise equipment, fiber blowers, fusion splicers, OTDRs, tools and accessories and inside plant materials and equipment. PI distributes materials and goods from manufacturers in the USA, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, China and EU countries.
From these sources, PI LLC can accommodate the requirements of privately and publicly funded deployments. If your funding requires compliance with the Buy American Act, Buy American Provisions under 7 CFR Part 1787, or the Build America Buy American Act (BABA), we have goods that will meet the eligible countries requirements.
We have materials and goods that you can deploy for either underground or aerial network infrastructure. If you are building a First Mile network to an Internet Exchange Point (IXP), a Middle Mile feeder or distribution network, or a Last Mile secondary distribution or drop to a single or multiple dwelling unit, a business complex, or a community anchor institute, we have the OSP materials and goods to support your network deployment. Correspondingly, for your deployments in IXPs, we have the ISP materials goods to support the lowest life cycle cost deployments.
A review of our website will provide you with a view of many of our goods. Please send an inquiry to info@pillc.net for a response to any requests on specific materials or goods.
- Valuation and contract negotiations for rights-of-way and indefeasible rights of use agreements for fiber networks with railway concerns, communications carriers, business concerns, universities, tribal governments, and state and local governmental agencies.
- Interconnection agreements with incumbent local exchange carriers (ATT, Verizon, Hawaiian Telcom, Qwest, BellSouth (now ATT), PacBell (now ATT), Ameritech (now ATT).
- Certification and compliance with state and federal regulatory authorities.
- Transport and distribution rights agreements for pricing and SLA’s for video programming.
- Triple-play networks and services in new and existing residential and commercial developments.
- Selection, installation, and activation of VOIP switching platforms.
- Planning for technology absorption and repurposing
- Installation and activation of fiber and copper-based Broadband Loop Carrier networks.
- Billing and Business and Operational Support Systems: RFP development, needs analyses, process mapping, implementation plans, negotiations, and advisement on purchases.
- Data Center design for new and retrofit sites.